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Schools push for more county funds
Request equates to 19-cent tax increase
Director of Schools Bobby Cox, at table at left, presented the school systems proposed budget for fiscal year 2017-18 to several members of the Warren County Commission this week. It includes a request to provide an additional $1.24 million to schools, which is equal to 19 cents in property taxes, and push the schools General Purpose Fund budget over $52 million. There was a packed house at the meeting to hear the request.
The full Warren County Commission will be considering a measure to increase school funding by 19 cents of the $1.96 tax rate during its monthly session June 19 at 6:30 p.m.Director of Schools Bobby Cox has requested an additional $1.24 million in funding to cover operational costs in the school’s General Purpose budget for fiscal year 2017-18. As presented, the school system budget is $1.1 million short without it. The extra funds will not cover the proposed renovation projects at Bobby Ray, West Elementary, Eastside Elementary and Warren County Middle School.