Even as motorists enjoy the wide open spaces of New Nashville Highway, construction crews continue working to complete the road that still has a ways to go before the books are closed on the eight-year project.The new 12.9-mile stretch of highway connecting Newtown to the top of Woodbury Mountain has been open to traffic for almost two weeks. Street signs have been placed on the Warren County portion of the highway and they are expected on the Cannon County side within a few weeks. The state is expected to put up intersection notification signs to indicate the names of the intersections within the next week.According to TDOT spokesperson Jennifer Flynn, most of the work that remains on the $20 million project will be done under the noses of motorists and should not cause too much of an inconvenience.“The final lift of pavement for the transition ends and shoulders should be completed under traffic as we would do a resurfacing project,” Flynn said.The work to finish the transition ends is expected to take about six weeks if weather cooperates where crews can work daily.“This work will include milling and paving to get to final grades, tie-ins to the old highway in Warren and Cannon counties, the airport connector, C. Rody Road and extended driveways and side roads to Highway 70 on the Warren County end of the project,” she said.There will be portions where the contractor will also be installing curbs, gutters and sidewalks, plus they will be installing erosion-control measures, as well as placing sod all along the highway.
Work on new road continues