If the gentlemen who had the honor of roasting Nestor Stewart on Thursday night are to be believed, Stewart is very thrifty and is the largest drug dealer in town. On the other hand, he was also lauded as being very compassionate, humble and Christian-like.A screen behind the podium showed Stewart’s uncanny resemblance to his celebrity look-alike, Mr. Frederickson, from the animated movie “Up.”Central Church of Christ minister Ben Bailey said of Stewart, a Central elder, “Besides the occasional phone call from Nestor making sure we don’t have too many lights on at the church, working with him has been a joy.”Jimmy Priestley said Stewart’s incredible work ethic started as a young man working in Detroit in the automotive industry. “He worked in the automotive industry and at other jobs often working 16 hours a day ... now you know where that got started,” said Priestley.Priestley said he has enjoyed eating breakfast with Stewart for 36 years.
Well-done roast
Nestor Stewart takes jabs from community