It will cost a little bit more to begin water and sewer service inside the city limits. McMinnville officials have agreed to a deposit hike, among other increases.The full board unanimously agreed to increase deposits, the charge to reconnect after a cutoff, the charge for returned checks, and the charge for service after-hours, holidays and weekends.Voting in favor were Mayor Jimmy Haley, Vice Mayor Ben Newman and Aldermen Mike Neal, Ken Smith, Rick Barnes and Billy Wood.Current deposits then and now:• Residential homeowners, from $50 to $100• Residential rental property, from $100 to $150• Small commercial (offices), from $50 to $75• Large commercial (restaurants), from $200 to $500• Large commercial (industries), from $200 to $750Fee proposed changes:• Reconnect after cutoff, from $25 to $50• Returned check and insufficient funds, from $25 to $30• After-hour service: after 4 p.m. from $35 to $40 and weekends and holidays from $40 to $50.The increased in deposits and fees was made to alleviate a problem the department is having.“It’s gotten to the point where a deposit won’t cover a normal monthly bill,” said Public Works director Bill Brock. “People walk off and leave us in the hole, rather than finaling out.
Water and sewer deposits increase