Additional sentences have been handed out in connection with a major pseudoephedrine-buying ring that was prosecuted at the federal level.The suspects were arrested in March for buying large quantities of cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine, an ingredient crucial in the production of meth. Sheriff Jackie Matheny said the suspects combined to purchase over 5,000 grams of pseudoephedrine.It was announced in Sunday’s edition Jacob Barnes was sentenced to 12 years, while Lori Cope received 10 years and seven months.Additional sentences are as follows:• John Brandon Marsh – 21 years, eight months• David Grant Turner – 14 years• Chris Jason Fuqua – 12 years, six moths• Doyle Nash – 12 years, five months• Jeremy Rigsby – five years, 10 months• Jonathan Trapp – five yearsTwo other local suspects were charged as part of the meth-conspiracy ring. They are Gabriel Womack and Betsy Hillis.
Six more get prison time for meth