A total of 487 seventh-graders who visited a career fair at Motlow College and Tennessee College of Applied Technology found many choices for the future.Career representatives came from around the spectrum – from agriculture to automotive repair, from education to engineering – to provide students with a look into career possibilities.Students had the opportunity to attend three sessions related to their career interests from 18 different choices.The seventh-graders will be able to use the career information gained at the fair to help make future educational and career decisions. Their interests at the career fair will be a big influence used in the planning process for their high school path of study.Centertown student Jared Muncey said he would either like to be a welder or a pro sports player. He liked the welding demonstration.“It is more physical and I could touch the parts,” said Muncey.Jordan McMillen’s favorite was a wildlife exhibit.
Seventh-graders learn about career opportunities