The sounds within the newly renovated Warren County High School gymnasium may not be clear as a bell – something School Board members had hoped when discussing a new sound system for the gym.Members of the county’s Financial Management Committee voted to rescind the lone bid for installation of acoustical wall panels which were to be hung in Charlie Dalton Gym.Director of Schools Bobby Cox recommended rescinding the bid from Roberts Electric in the amount of $28,840 because the amount, coupled with the cost of the sound system, would come in over the approved amount of $78,840, which was the amount the committee agreed to pay for a new sound system and installation of acoustical tiles.Cox said in a letter to the committee, “In the July 25, 2013 board meeting, the School Board voted to allow me to spend $76,425 for the entire sound system and acoustical wall panels for the Warren County High School gym. By combining the sound system and wall panel bids separately, the total amount is $78,840 which exceeds the board’s approval by $2,415.”Commissioner Herschel Wells suggested committee members visit the gymnasium, listen to the sound system and determine if the acoustical tiles are still necessary before rebidding the project.“Can we go out there first and listen and see what it sounds like? We may not need them,” said Wells.County Executive and committee chair John Pelham said, “Let’s do that.
Local officials to take wait-and-hear approach