Sentences were handed down Thursday by Judge Bill Locke in General Sessions Traffic Court.Included in court action:Christopher Steven Higgins was directed to serve 210 days and pay $50 plus costs for sixth-offense driving on a suspended license and violation of probation.Michael A. Bouldin was ordered to serve 120 days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence and pay $1,100 plus costs and lose his driver license for six years for third-offense DUI.Hunter Nathaniel Grandey was granted an 11-29 judicial diversion and must pay $250 plus costs for simple possession of drugs.Sarah Jean Threlkel was ordered to serve 15 days of a six-month sentence and pay $50 plus costs for second-offense driving on a revoked license.Brittney L. Shockley was bound to the grand jury on charges of driving on a suspended license and violation of the child support law.Michael A. Bouldin must serve 48 hours and pay $50 plus costs for driving on a revoked license.Michael D. Fernandez was directed to serve 48 hours of an 11-29 sentence, perform 24 hours public service work, attend DUI Class and lose his driver license for one year for DUI.Mariano Angeles Quevedo must serve 30 days and pay $10 plus costs for driving without a license.Brittany Nicole Chase must pay $10 plus costs for public intoxication.Salavdor Guiterrez, Preston Pleasant, Nancy Ramirez Trejo, Miguel Rayas and Onesimo Ramirez Martinez must pay $10 plus costs for driving without a license.
Traffic Court docket 4-2