McMinnville Police Department has charged juveniles in connection with three concession stand break-ins at the Civic Center and a break-in at The Store in Westwood. According to McMinnville Police Department Chief Bryan Denton, all the incidents occurred between June 29 and July 8 and items taken during the burglaries included concessions items, cash, portable radios, beer and cigarettes.“In the days following, officers developed information related to the crimes that led them to the West Riverside area,” said Denton. “Officers conducted interviews, made residential searches and combed the area including the railroad tracks linking The Store and West Riverside, recovering multiple items taken from the burglaries.”The names of the juveniles are not being released, but the three used the radios to communicate during the break-in of The Store.“It was learned the portable radios, taken in an earlier Civic Center concession stand burglary, were used by the burglars to communicate during The Store burglary,” said Denton.
Three charged for concession break-ins