An audit has been ordered on the books of Main Street McMinnville following a controversial clash that left its president impeached and prompted one of its directors and some of its board members to resign.“As far as I can tell, there’s never been an audit,” said Man Street McMinnville secretary Kelly Basham during the board’s last meeting – a meeting that was much calmer than the previous meeting where allegations flew. “This goes all the way back to when it started in 1999.”An audit of the financial books had been suggested by former Main Street president Vanessa Miller prior to her impeachment during the previous meeting. She called for the audit, feeling there was a lack of financial accountability.Agreeing there should be an audit so MSM is transparent to the community, the board voted to have the audit conducted by an out-of-town auditing firm to avoid any appearance of impropriety.
Main Street McMinnville audit ordered
Board hopes move will remove doubts