A lease agreement between the city of McMinnville and the state’s Department of Safety could have one area of contention – how long the Driver Testing Center will be allowed to use the basement of City Hall.According to Alderman Mike Neal, he is not the only official on the Board of Mayor and Aldermen with a desire to reduce the state’s lease agreement to less than five years with an option to renew for an additional five years.In an email from city attorney Tim Pirtle to all board members and sent to the Southern Standard by Neal, Vice Mayor Ben Newman also expressed reservations on the lease length.“A reservation has been expressed by Vice Mayor Newman with regard to the term of five years with an option to the state for a five-year renewal,” said Pirtle. “He recommends a two-year term with one-year renewal if agreed by the parties.”Pirtle, who is negotiating with a state attorney over the lease, asked for input on Newman’s recommendation via email to all board member but encouraged them to avoid breaking the Sunshine Law in their reply.“The Board must approve the lease in final form, but I need to know your position on the term of the lease for purposes of negotiation,” said Pirtle. “Please let me know your position on the term but reply only to me to avoid implications of the Sunshine Law.
Driver Testing Center lease negotiations