A man who stole from the sheriff’s chief deputy has been sentenced to a half-year behind bars.The defendant, William Edward Frazier, 42, entered guilty pleas before Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley to two counts of burglary and two counts of theft for a pair of thefts from separate building sites around the county, one of those belonging to sheriff’s chief deputy Tommy Myers.According to Sheriff Jackie Matheny, Frazier was working for a company which was doing work on a building site in the Faulkner Springs area for his chief deputy. It was at some point Myers noticed items worth over $1,000 missing from his work site. The items included a Shop-Vac, Makita skill saw, chop saw, skill saw, heater, fan and hand tools.In the meantime, a man building a house on Monica Street reported items missing from his property.
Frazier sentenced for stealing from deputy