Now that students have their brains back in school mode, it’s time to think about stirring up some creative ideas for an essay contest that could earn a $30,000 college scholarship.The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5064 is once again offering an essay and art contest to local students who are home schooled or attend a public, private or parochial school.“There is a lot of money out there to win for scholarships and we have a lot of smart students out there who don’t always get this information,” said Ladies Auxiliary 5064 president Phyllis Barnes. Three contests are available:• Voice of Democracy — For students in grades 9-12, this speaking contest has a theme of “Is Our Constitution Still Relevant.” The national award is a $30,000 scholarship.• Patriotic Art — Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to get creative and draw what patriotism means to them.
Essay contest offers $30,000 scholarship