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Barrett's donates copier to Collins River Fire Department
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Barrett’s was looking to donate one of its copiers to a nonprofit organization in need so business owner Drew Barrett decided the fairest way would be through an open application process.Barrett encouraged all nonprofits in need to send him a brief letter explaining why and he assembled a three-person committee to decide the winner.After reviewing the requests, the committee selected Collins River Volunteer Fire Department as the copier recipient. The copier/ fax machine was delivered Wednesday morning and it didn’t take long to be put to use. It received a fax in the first 15 minutes it was hooked up.“We thank Barrett’s and we really appreciate this donation,” said Collins River Capt. Tyson Brock.Barrett said nonprofit organizations are usually strapped for cash and often don’t have the funding for a reliable copier and fax machine, which are necessities in today’s business world.“The way it commonly works is a business will replace its copier and then donate its old one to a nonprofit,” said Barrett.