Persistence could pay off for the county Safety Committee in obtaining a new ambulance to replace one with over 300,000 miles.The third time was the charm for committee members in an effort to obtain an ambulance for Warren County EMS. After failing twice, it appears they will have success in their third attempt.“If you remember a couple of months ago, the Safety Committee asked we look at possible funding for a vehicle for the ambulance service and we told them we would look at it again in January or February,” said Finance Department director Linda Hills. “In reviewing their budget, I think they are going to have enough in their fund balance to go ahead and take care of the purchase.”The information was presented to both the county Financial Management Committee and Budget and Finance Committee on Monday. Both committees unanimously approved transferring $110,000 from the unassigned fund balance to motor vehicles for the purchase.Safety Committee members included the purchase of a new ambulance in the 2015-16 fiscal year budget for the department.
Ambulance to be purchased for Warren County EMS