The undefeated Team Evolution took care of business Thursday night as it defeated a tough opponent, 9-1, in Aaron’s Heat and Air on Pete Holt Field during the 10-12 age group youth league action.Early game play found the score close as Team Evolution scored 2 first-inning runs as batters Sadie Duggin and Ebonie Ross both scored for the powerhouse team before they turned the plate over to Aaron’s.Aaron’s scored 1 run from prolific base runner Ceilee Gudat, making the game 2-1 until the third inning. It was the last run Aaron’s Heat and Air would score as the team got uncharacteristically chilly on a brisk June evening.Kept at bay by the Heat and Air defense until the fourth inning, Duggin, Jazzlyn Ware, Ebone Ross and Trinity Eckel gave Evolution a 6-1 lead.Keeping Aaron’s scoreless, Dallas Melton, Bre’Anna Harris and Vada Lowery tacked on 3 more runs just in case Aaron’s Heat and Air managed a rally in the bottom of the fourth.The ballgame ended after Team Evolution kept Aaron’s scoreless after four at-bats with solid pitching and defense that put them over the top all game.
Team Evolution cools off Aaron's