Pursuant to Section 57-5-105 Tennessee Code Annotated as amended relative to license to sell beer, notice is hereby given that the Safety Committee/Beer Board for Warren County, Tennessee will hold a public hearing at 6:30 P.M. on Monday, April 28, 2014, in the Conference Room of the Warren County Administrative Building, McMinnville, Tennessee, for the purpose of considering an application for an on-premises license or permit to sell beer. The name of applicant and address for the location for such license or permit is:
Samuel Brown Medley, business owner
The Reserve at Collins River
4420 Harrison Ferry Road
McMinnville, TN 37110
Said meeting shall be a public hearing for the purpose of hearing the statement of any person or his attorney on this application for license or permit to sell beer.
John Pelham
Warren County
6373 S1t4-20