The wait is less than a week away as the Warren County A&L Fair prepares to kick off its 60th year this coming Friday.There will be pageantry right from the start as the Preteen Fairest of the Fair takes place opening night at 7 p.m.Other highlights will include a scavenger hunt, two Christian comedians sponsored by the Central Baptist Association, an antique car show, and a new exhibit called Farmer for a Day. Cody McCarver will be among 30 musical acts scheduled to perform and the always-popular karaoke competition returns.Farmer for a Day will be set up in the old petting zoo area and be an educational glance at agriculture life.“It’s amazing how many kids today don’t know where their food comes from. They think it comes from the grocery store,” said Fair Board member Steven Helton.
Make way for the fair
Preparations underway for 60th annual celebration