McMinnville officials are discussing what to do about two vacant lots owned by the city on Main Street.“There have been several requests from folks who want to purchase 207 and 209, two lots we’ve had for a while on Main Street,” said Alderman Billy Wood.The lots were acquired by the city in May 2011 in a deal with the former owners to clean them up and remove the debris after a downtown fire in 2008.“There have been several inquiries about purchasing those and I just need to know what the wishes of the board are,” said Wood.“Tell them to make an offer,” said Alderman Junior Medley.“Well, I think we have to advertise it,” said Wood.Vice Mayor Everett Brock said some thought should be given to how this should be handled.“What I think is we need to make sure whoever buys it doesn’t just buy it and hold onto it,” Brock said. “That they’ve got something they really want to do, not just buy the thing and hold it for investment purposes.”“Well, I think if we sell it, we’ve sold it,” said Wood, noting he didn’t think the city could dictate what could be done with the property. City attorney Tim Pirtle said there could be conditions added to the deed, but first the property would have to be appraised.“It’s not making us a dime as it is,” said Wood.“But it’s not going to make us a dime if it sits there as open ground either,” said Brock.
With buildings gone, what next?