Main Street McMinnville’s annual Downtown Cleanup Day was dedicated to spreading mulch this year.“We managed to get the island behind the Chamber of Commerce cleaned and mulched,” said Design Committee member Rachel Killebrew. “We also mulched the Colville Street bank from Chancery to Spring Street.”Despite all the work that was done, the group fell short of its intended goal.“We had hoped to get the whole back of Main Street done, but we did the best we could,” said Killebrew. “It was a lot of hard work.”In the past, the effort focused on cleaning and beautifying the more visible Main Street area with activities like planting flowers, pulling weeds, mulching and picking up discarded cigarettes, as well as sweeping sidewalks and cleaning store windows for shop owners.However, according to Killebrew, this year’s focus moved away from Main Street because McMinnville Urban Forestry division headed by landscape manager Hank Patton left little for the Design Committee and its volunteers to clean.“The rest of downtown looks beautiful thanks to the city crews, especially the park, which looks gorgeous,” she said.
Volunteers beautify downtown