Joe Wiegand, the foremost reprisor of President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, is slated to visit Magness Library on April 4 presenting “A Salute to Conservation and Parks.”Wiegand has appeared in all 50 states and the White House, entertaining audiences with stories full of adventure, knowledge, laughter and inspiration. On April 4, Wiegand will perform in four Warren County classrooms and at Magness Library. The library event will begin at 3 p.m.The Friends of South Cumberland arranged for the visit as part of its 11th annual Trails and Trilliums event held at the Monteagle Sunday School Assembly on April 11-13, an event Wiegand is also slated to attend.“If you haven’t seen him, you are in for a real treat,” said Wally Bigbee, a member of The Friends of South Cumberland.
'Teddy' to visit Magness