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Stanley picks CAC as recipient for surprise $500 donation
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A meeting of the American City Bank Board of Directors in Manchester turned charitable for a local nonprofit when the guest speaker offered a $500 non-restricted grant to everyone present as a donation to the charity of their choice.Making the generous offer was Jim Clayton of the Clayton Foundation. The foundation was established in 2004 to facilitate the philanthropic initiatives of the Clayton family by enhancing the quality of life for individuals, families and organizations.Judge Bart Stanley was in attendance and selected the Children’s Advocacy Center for the 31st Judicial District as his intended recipient.“I am pleased with the warm nature of the center and the contribution of all the people that have been involved throughout the years to make this CAC the success it is,” said Stanley. “How fortunate we are able to provide a safe environment here in our community for those children in need of these services.”The Children’s Advocacy Center is a safe and child-friendly facility where children who may be victims of sexual or physical abuse and their non-offending family members can come for evaluation, intervention, evidence gathering, and victim advocacy.