On the heels of a recent saturation patrol to make the streets safer prior to July 4, local law enforcement is gearing up for a second one July 6-9.“All in all, the last one went really well,” said McMinnville Police Lt. Mark Mara. “We had no accidents caused by impaired drivers.”In the June 25 saturation patrol, stops resulted in seven tickets issued, two warnings given, and one arrest for an outstanding warrant on a felony drug charge.With the number of deadly wrecks so far this year in Warren County and the celebrations that are usually associated with July 4, McMinnville Police Department will be working in conjunction with the Warren County Sheriff’s Department and Tennessee Highway Patrol to conduct a larger patrol over four days.“We will be working together on this one,” said Mara. “If we didn’t have so many accidents in Warren County, extra patrols would not be unnecessary.”Officers assigned to a saturation patrol do not respond to calls.
More officers to swarm streets from July 6-9