It took a year but Joe Curtis will finally get his 10-year-old boxer Brutus back although someone may have to come up with thousands of dollars to pay veterinary bills run up after the local humane society sent the canine there for treatment and lodging.Meanwhile, former humane society cruelty officer Clay Lerch and his wife, former humane society president, Tammy Lerch, are off the hook in the lawsuit against them. They had faced the possibility of being held in contempt of court for twice thumbing their noses at a court order by original Judge Bill Locke to bring the dog to court. Their countersuit charging things like false arrest and defamation of character has also been laid to rest in a ruling made Monday night by Special Judge Bratten Cooke in which the judge found Curtis was the rightful owner of the dog and has the right to get it back.
Man to get dog back after year-long battle