For Caleb Rice of Cookeville, every day can be a good day with his dog, Thor.“Thor has saved me from myself,” he said of his brown and white Staffordshire bull terrier. “I can’t remember a time when I had a bad day and got home and it continued to be bad.”For that reason, Cookeville Leisure Services is offering dog owners an opportunity to honor their pets in a Top Dog Photo Display during the department’s eighth annual Dogapalooza, which is May 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Dogwood Park at 30 E. Broad Street.“This is a chance to show off your dog,” said Cathy Benich, event organizer. “Last year, quite a few people stopped to look at the photos and enjoyed reading about what each of the dogs meant to their owners.”Those planning to participate have until May 3 to send their photos, along with their dog’s name, breed and two to three sentences about why their dog is “Top Dog” to them.
Unleash fun May 6 at Dogapalooza in Cookeville