Sentences were handed down by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley against several who failed to take advantage of their second chances.Included in probation violators:John Casey Bryan was ordered to serve one year for violation of probation. He will get jail credit for completing the drug court program.Charles Herman Wilcher III must serve 120 days for violation of probation.Austin James Baker was directed to serve 60 days and had his judicial diversion set aside for violation of probation. The diversion would have meant he could have had his record erased had he completed his probation without being violated.Tyshona Yvonne Beasley was instructed to serve 10 days and have probation extended by a year for violation of probation.Toby Cantrell must serve the balance of his sentence for violation of probation.Richard L. Cripps must serve 90 days and had his probation extended by a year for violation of probation.Alan Wayne Crouch must serve 120 days for violation of probation.Tammy Cruisinberry was transferred to drug court for violation of probation.Ashley Drake must serve the balance of her sentence for violation of probation.Kathryn Ann Davenport was transferred to drug court for violation of probation.Kristin Marie Flores had her judicial diversion set aside and was placed on probation for two years and must perform 40 hours public service work for violation of probation.Billy Wayne Fults Jr. was directed to serve 90 days and was released on time-served for violation of probationWillard Fults must serve the balance of his sentence for violation of probation.Doris Jean Goff was ordered to serve 10 days of a four-year sentence and had her judicial diversion set aside for violation of probation.Brittany Paige Holder was instructed to serve one year for violation of probation.Bradley Tyrone McCormick must serve one year for violation of probation.Shakirra I. Patterson had her probation extended by six months for violation of probation.Thomas Ray Patterson was instructed to serve 60 days for violation of probation.Becky R. Prater must serve 90 days for violation of probation.Tracey D. Schunke must serve the balance of sentence for violation of probation.Joshua W. Taylor must serve 90 days for violation of probation.Anthony Terrigino Jr. must serve 90 days for violation of probation.
Circuit Court docket 8-30