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Business Cheetah 8-14
Hardee's absence trying for some biscuit lovers
Warren County native Dana Hillis and his wife, Janet, are world-class BBQ champions. Their cooking has been featured on TV shows and Dana writes a column for three major publications. They are in town this weekend for Smokin in McMinnville.
The greater Warren County area is experiencing extreme misery and woe after Hardee’s closed its doors Monday for what will be a months-long shutdown. If you’re craving Hardee’s food, you better have a reliable car, bicycle, horse or skateboard because you’re going to have to travel out of town.In case you’ve missed the news, our Hardee’s is set to be torn down and a sparkling new Hardee’s built in its place. Demolition is scheduled to begin this Monday, according to project superintendent Danny Larrimore.Danny has an interesting story.