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Bible camp brings crowd
It was a carnival-type atmosphere Friday outside the Kids of the Community building on Cadillac Lane.
Kids of the Community is making sure children have something to do while school is out by offering the Backyard Bible Club this summer.“It gives kids something to do during the summer so they are not getting into trouble,” said Christy Allison of KOTC. “We’ve been averaging 100 to 120 each day.”The club is offered to children who are enrolled in Kids of the Community who are usually considered at-risk. The club is held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through mid-July at the KOTC Building on Cadillac Lane from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.“We feed them a hot breakfast and lunch and on Friday we have pizza from Little Caesars,” Allison said, noting Friday is also considered “wet day” when they break out swim suits and inflatables. “We have a lot of fun and it’s great to see the children enjoying themselves.”The idea for Bible camp came from Megan Dishman.