The Alpha Iota chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa celebrates its roots each October. Alpha Delta Kappa is an International Honor Society for women educators which was organized in 1947 in Kansas City, Missouri, by Marie Neal, Hatti Poppins, Agnes Shipman, and Marion Southall. The objectives of ADK is “based on the highest principles of virtue and morality and does not conflict with any religious belief – with the objects of its organization being to build up, develop, and strengthen the morals and principles of democracy and the high standards of education, to impress on its members the high calling of the fraternal relationship educationally, to help each other in the profession of teaching, and to raise the standards of the teaching profession.”Alpha Iota, the Warren County chapter, was organized in 1965 by charter members Elizabeth Allison, Betty Jo Blankenship, Norma Jean Griswold, Mary Frances Hammer, Hilda Newman, Arrie Mae Smith, Sandra Todd, Joyce Wallace, and Ione Youngblood.
Alpha Iota celebrates Alpha Delta Kappa founders month