Pointing across the courtroom to his soon-to-be ex-wife and her boyfriend, both clad in jailhouse orange, local businessman Mike Hale recalled being stabbed in the parking lot of the VFW and running for his life as they pursued him while trying to allegedly finish the job.“I turned around and he (Jack Redmon) stabbed me in the chest,” Hale recalled from the witness stand Tuesday afternoon during preliminary hearing for his alleged stabber, Redmon and his estranged wife, Brooke Hale. Both are charged with attempted criminal homicide and being held in lieu of bail for the Aug. 9 attack.Hale admitted there had been bickering back and forth on the phone between the three of them all day, testifying Brooke had called him at least seven times and that Redmon had issued several threats. He said he was fearing for his life when Hale and his estranged wife pulled up on a motorcycle, joined by former co-defendant, Tracey Bouldin.
Hale testifies about knife attack