The county may be forced to sue former county executive and current Commissioner Kenneth Rogers in order to recover up to $124,000 in Hazard Mitigation Grant funds issued by FEMA through TEMA. The money was designated by contract to purchase and demolish a home which suffered flood damage owned by local resident Michael Hubbard.But instead of having the home destroyed, Rogers entered into a contract with Randall Dunn, of RWRP Properties, to have the home dismantled and moved, with Dunn providing a contribution of $16,000 to the county, $6,000 of which was paid back to Dunn with two checks for $4,500 and $1,500. Rogers’ actions allegedly constitute a breach of contract which eventually resulted in the action by TEMA to recover the funds. The county was informed of the action in a letter from TEMA two weeks ago.The county’s Budget and Finance Committee held a meeting Monday, attended by county attorney Larry Stanley, to discuss the issue and determine the county’s responsibility, as well as its options to recover the money.
County may sue Kenneth Rogers