Warren County government is pulling out all the stops in its effort to come up with another budget with no increase in property taxes for the 2011-12 fiscal year.To say county commissioners are getting ever more creative in their endeavors to achieve this goal – for an unprecedented ninth year – is an understatement.At Tuesday night’s meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee, director of accounts Linda Hillis outlined some of the alternatives available to generate funds without a tax increase.Hillis says current revenues are $11,073,798. Current expenditures are $13,243,895. She says if you add an estimated beginning fund balance of $1,065,642, the county is still $1.1 million short.Hillis said she and County Executive John Pelham have discussed several ideas designed to balance the budget.“There are some options John and I have talked about listed down below,” Hillis said.
County gets creative to avoid tax increase