Longtime educator Dr. Eben Nolan Gilbert Jr. will be singing a different tune Thursday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m. when he becomes the sec-ond individual to be roasted by his friends and col-leagues in the Central Church of Christ fellowship hall.Roasters during the event will be Dr. Jeff McKinley, Judge Larry Ross, Carol Chambers, Wally McClarren, and Chuck Mullican. Tickets for the second annual “It’s Roastin’ Time” sponsored by Boyd Christian School are $50 per person and may be pur-chased at Boyd Christian School or a reserva-tion made by call-ing the school at 473-9631.Gilbert was born in Warren County on July 28, 1938. His parents moved to Chattanooga when he was in second grade.
Community ready to roast Eben Gilbert