TODAY, AUG. 14Decoration will be held at Old Bybee Cemetery in the Midway community with business meeting at 2 p.m.TUESDAY, AUG. 16Shady Grove Cemetery will hold its annual business meeting at the cemetery picnic area at 7 p.m.Westwood Church will hold a clothing give-away from 8 to 10 a.m.WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17Warren County Records Commission will meet at 8 a.m. in the Warren County Genealogical Society Room. It’s open to the public.FRIDAY, AUG. 19Adam Crabb will be at Grace Temple Church on Morrison Street at 7 p.m. Free admission. Love offering will be accepted.SATURDAY, AUG. 20Leadership Warren will hold free family movie night with food vendors open at 7 p.m. and movie at 8 p.m. at the West Lawn of Security Federal downtown.
Community Calendar