When the Denver Broncos take on the Seattle Seahawks to see which team will walk away with a win this Sunday during the Super Bowl, McMinnville Police Department will be setting its sights on a different goal.“We, just like the teams, have been strategizing and using all of our resources to meet our goal,” said Lt. Mark Mara. “We are working with the Warren County Sheriff’s Department and the Tennessee Highway Patrol to meet our goal of having no accident with injuries and no accidents related to impaired drivers.”Saturation patrols are designed to make highways safer and to increase public awareness of the hazards of drinking and driving. By removing intoxicated drivers from the roadways, the potential for motor vehicle accidents is decreased, officers say.While law enforcement usually organizes saturated patrols during recognized holidays such as New Year’s Day, Christmas, and Fourth of July, Super Bowl Sunday was added to the list several years ago.“The Governor’s Highway Safety Office recognizes that Super Bowl Sunday is a problematic day so they encourage agencies throughout the state to hold saturation patrols or a checkpoint,” said Mara.
City officers plan extra patrols for Super Bowl