Morrison fifth-grader Caleb Smith showed the second time is the charm as he bested a field of 22 sapient contestants to win the annual Warren County Spelling Bee held Tuesday night at Warren County Middle School.Competition was stiff in the finals as the final three spellers lasted 74 rounds exhausting the original list of 375 words to be used in the competition. Words included “iridology,” “peripatetic,” “jardiniere” and “halieutic.”A new list was found and the field was narrowed to the final two spellers, Smith and Centertown eighth-grader Courtney Curtis. “Satiety” is the word which stumped Curtis.Smith then had to spell two words correctly in order to win, finishing with “roustabout” to claim the title.Smith said he studied some for the spelling bee, but not a lot.
Caleb Smith shows his spelling smarts