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Burn permit required for outside brush fires
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If you get caught burning outside without a permit, more than your brush pile could go up in flames. You could also see your cash disappear.
The penalty in Warren County for burning without a permit is $277.50 with court costs.
Burn permits are now required in Tennessee. The permits are free and required by state law until May 16.
The permits issued by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry are for the sole purpose of burning untreated wood waste or woody vegetation grown on-site such as branches, leaves and brush.
Permits for burning areas larger than 8 feet by 8 feet must be secured by telephone. Permits for debris piles 8 feet by 8 feet and smaller can be secured either online at, or by telephone. The number is 635-2754. The Division of Forestry will only issue permits for fires used solely to dispose of untreated wood waste, natural vegetation and land clearing. No permits will be issued for any man-made products such as tires, shingles, cardboard, old clothes, paper, plastic, painted wood, vinyl siding and feed bags.
These items must be taken to either the convenience center in your area, or disposed at the proper facilities. If these items are burned, these cases will be turned over to the Division of Air Pollution Control where a fine of up to $25,000 is possible.
Priming materials to start controlled burns shall be limited to No. 1 and No. 2 grade fuels, kerosene and/ or diesel. No used oil is allowed.
A burning permit in no way relieves a person of responsibility of damages caused by their fire. The person must stay with their fire until it is completely out. Failure to do so is a violation.
Permits are issued Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when weather conditions allow. If you are going to be burning on a weekend, be sure to call on Friday.
If you are going to be burning on a state holiday, be sure to call the day before the holiday for those permits. No permits will be issued after office hours.