There are no plans to oust the Band Boosters from their longtime role as keepers of the football and basketball concession stands, something that is a major money maker for the band program.That was the reassurance given to representatives from the Warren County Band Boosters by Director of Schools Bobby Cox on Tuesday during the regular Warren County School Board meeting.“It’s not our goal to hurt any program,” Cox told the Band Booster representatives who were concerned about rumors the School Board may be considering letting the Football and Basketball Boosters handle their own concessions.The Band Boosters have been handling football and basketball concessions for years. They were initially given the concession stand responsibility because they were the only organization able to bring enough manpower to handle the job. However, in doing so, the football and basketball programs became two of the few programs not to handle their own concessions.With that in mind, members of the School Board, during a meeting last month, agreed to “revisit” the issue of the football and basketball concessions at a later date.
Band wants to keep running concessions