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Know your H20
Hydration key to athletic performance
The Warren County High School Pioneer football team has started practice for the season and takes a water break to keep hydrated.
Now that we’re in the middle of the dog days of summer, and temperatures are often in the high 90s or even 100 degrees, it is critical to be aware of how the environment can affect both the performance and health of student-athletes.According to the Centers for Disease Control, heat illness during practice or competition is a leading cause of death and disability among U.S. high school athletes. An estimated 7.5 million students participate in high school sports each year.Although proper hydration is important year round, the increased temperature and humidity have to be taken into consideration in any sports program.According to the International Olympic Committee, dehydration impairs an athlete’s performance in most events: endurance sports, team sports, power and sprint sports, winter sports and sports with weight classes. Athletes need to be well-hydrated before and during exercise and competition.An adequate intake of fluid before, during (where appropriate) and after exercise is especially important in hot climates.