Four elementary boys teams began their quest for a preseason tournament championship Monday night at Dibrell Gym.The Morrison Eagles and Centertown Warriors each left with big season-opening victories as Morrison mauled the Eastside Bulldogs 44-18 while Centertown downed the Dibrell Wildcats 34-32 in overtime.Ethan Smith played a big part in the Eagles opening the tournament with a big victory over Eastside.Smith scored 10 points, dished out seven assists and headlined a tenacious full-court press by Morrison that gave the Bulldogs fits.Smith did most of his scoring in the first half as he scored eight points to give Morrison a 20-6 lead at halftime.When the teams returned to the court, Smith started spreading the wealth and the Eagles took off. With Smith looking for open teammates, Morrison opened the third quarter on a 12-0 run. Ryland Holder, Rolando Mardinez, Raven Lewandowski and Irving Espinoza each scored off passes from Smith as Morrison led 32-6.Espinoza was just getting started on a big third quarter.
Eagles soar