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Why Obama makes GOP panic
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If you pay too much attention to opinion polls, doubtless you've heard a plurality of voters has judged Barack Obama the worst president since World War II. Thirty-three percent, to be precise, which as it conflates almost exactly with the number of hard-core Republicans, merely tells you something you already knew: GOP partisans dislike Obama with irrational zeal.In short, the Quinnipiac University survey reveals more about them than about Obama. But hold that thought.A presidential poll whose results might be worth heeding would measure the opinions only of people who could actually name the 12 U.S. presidents since 1945. I'm guessing that'd be maybe 10 percent of the electorate, tops.Anyway, to put the bad news about Obama in perspective, back in 2006 when George W. Bush was in his sixth year in office, the same Quinnipiac poll found 34 percent of Americans judged him the worst since 1945.Even the sainted Ronald Reagan's job approval numbers took a sharp drop during his sixth year due to the Iran-Contra scandal -- selling missiles to Iran to finance right-wing terrorists in Nicaragua.This year, however, a reported 35 percent in the Quinnipiac survey judged Reagan the best president since World War II. Apparently all is forgiven, forgotten, or -- equally likely -- never known.Of course Obama promised to transform America.