Officials didn't realize it at the time, but it was a comical scene back in October when it seemed like every state employee in Tennessee was in McMinnville for the grand reopening of our Driver Testing Center.There were emotional speeches and refreshments -- and of course a ribbon-cutting ceremony to amplify the importance of this vital state facility returning to our cozy community.One by one, officials made their way to a podium that was placed in front of an estimated 100 folding chairs. And, one by one, they took turns singing like canaries and praising each other for their great work in joining together to reopen the Driver Testing Center.It was a shining example of government finally working for the people, they said. It was proof about what could be accomplished with everyone cooperating, they claimed.If that can be viewed as a government success story, the state's decision to leave our Driver Testing Center unfunded must be viewed as a giant failure.
The Scoop 5-12
Who's driving this decision making?