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Library thanks generous donors
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Magness Library and Community house acknowledges with grateful appreciation the following memorial contributions:Janelle Marsh Cruger is remembered with memorial contributions given by the staff at McMinnville Drug Center; Susan C. Maxwell; Whit and Phyllis Taylor; Andrew and Bettye Myers, Ellie and Randy Kenworthy, Drew Myers, Benjamin and Anne Myers; Todd and Julia Noblin; William G. and Christine Walter; John and Sally Duke; Linda Cantrell and Shirley Elrod; Nancy E. Basham; Larry and Diane Stanley; Nell Vanatta; Dr. Wallace and Patricia Bigbee; Jessie M. Adams and Kelli, Roy and Trey Adams; and Anne and Bill Jameson.Nonie Greer Grizzell is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Lucky-Northside Home Demonstration Club.Don Hennessee is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Harold and Claudia Martin and Greg Martin.Sybil Hillis is remembered with a memorial contribution given by William and Monica Brewer and family.Lucille Hudson is remembered with a memorial contribution given by YSI teachers.Sonia Flores Interiano is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Cumberland Lumber and Mfg. Company, Inc.Bearl Thomas Kirby, Sr. is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Central High Class of ’67.Randolph Newby is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Lisa Patton.Christine Gribble O’Neal is remembered with memorial contributions given by Barry and Debbie Barnes; Jeran, Rickey and Debbie Powers; Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Dunalp; Bruce and Betty Pack; and Warren Farmers Cooperative.Nadean Cantrell Taylor is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Central High School Class of ’57.Other book and memorial contributions will be acknowledged in future issues of the Southern Standard.Magness Library and Community House invites book memorial and honorary contributions. Making a contribution to the library to remember a deceased family member, friend or colleague funds a memorial that benefits both the library and a community of readers.