Sentences were handed down Thursday by Judge Bill Locke in General Sessions Traffic Court.Included in traffic court action:Michael Thurmond was ordered to serve 20 days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence, pay $50 plus costs and must forfeit his driver license for one year for third-offense driving on a suspended license and failure to yield.Terry Henderson directed to serve seven days of an 11-29 sentence, pay $350 plus costs, attend DUI school, perform 24 hours public service work and lose driving privileges for one year for DUI.Shawn Fults was ordered to serve 48 hours of an 11-29 sentence and must pay $360 plus costs, perform 24 hours public service work, attend DUI class and lose driving privileges for one year for DUI and driving without a license.Kelly Shirley and Richard Woods directed to serve 48 hours of an 11-29 sentence, pay $350 plus costs, attend DUI school, perform 24 hours public service work and lose driving privileges for one year for DUI.Ranico Johnson was bound to the grand jury on the charge of evading arrest and second-offense driving on a revoked license.Martha Ross was bound to the grand jury on the charge of DUI.Jonathan Whiteaker must pay $10 plus costs for leaving the scene of an accident.Phillip Greer, James Wolfe, Deborah McCormack and Melissa Lemons must pay $10 plus costs for driving without a license.Louie Fleisher must serve the balance of his sentence for violation of probation.
Traffic Court