What do McMinnville residents want from their city officials? Improved recreation and tourism, says information gathered during the McMinnville 2035 Visioning Process sessions on Aug. 24 and Sept. 16.Officials held the sessions and invited the public to weigh in on the future of the city and what they would like to see officials do in the areas of economic development, environment, recreation and tourism.“You had a very engaged and interactive citizenry that participated in the event. It was wonderful to be a part of this process,” said Warren Nevad, municipal management consultant, in a letter to the city with the findings.The information presented to the city also offered the top five responses in the topic areas:• Recreation — Combine/ upgrade Civic Center; build a comprehensive greenway bike trail linking to nurseries; develop a comprehensive recreational programming plan; improve access to the river.• Environment — Develop a comprehensive recycling program; build a botanical garden; adopt a no-burning ordinance; develop a comprehensive beautification program to improve city entrance/ medians, riverfront property and substandard properties; develop alternative forms of energy such as a solar, gasification and biogas.• Economic Development — Build a town center/ conference center; create business incentives for new business; develop a comprehensive retail recruiting plan; develop a workforce development plan for McMinnville’s youth; open the Park Theatre.• Tourism — Develop a tourism marketing website; implement downtown beautification improvements; develop a comprehensive ad campaign targeting outdoor recreational activities; build a McMinnville Welcome Center; develop a master tourism plan.Nevad offered his future assistance.“It was a pleasure working with you and all the citizens on the vision for the year 2035,” he said.
Survey shows recreation a priority for city planning