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Stanley sentences eight
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Sentences in eight misdemeanor cases were issued by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley.Included in the misdemeanor circuit cases:• Brittany Russell was granted an 11-month, 29-day judicial diversion and must perform 24 hours public service work for violating an order of protection.• Daniel Tyler Jones was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence for vandalism.• Terry Morton Hollon was directed to serve 48 hours of an 11-29 sentence and perform 16 hours public service work for second-offense driving on a suspended license.• Haley L. Smith was fined $50 plus costs for driving without a license.• Dewayne Allen Reeder must pay $500 plus costs and perform 16 hours public service work for driving on a suspended license and criminal impersonation.• Amber Lee Keenan was fined $50 plus costs for not carrying a driver license.• Terrence A. Roberts was ordered to serve 48 hours of an 11-29 sentence, pay $350 plus costs, perform 40 hours public service work and lose his driver license for one year for DUI.• Billy Wannyn was placed on probation for an 11-29 period and must make restitution in the amount of $700 to the Warren County Sheriff’s Department for extradition costs and perform 40 hours public service work for non-support.• Daniel Davenport was ordered to serve 120 days and had his probation extended by one year for violating his probation on his prior conviction on the charge of manufacture of meth.