Saying the realigned 4th District leaves the race for Congress wide open, state Sen. Eric Stewart came to McMinnville on Friday to campaign in hopes of defeating first-term Congressman Dr. Scott DesJarlais.“There are six counties that are totally new to the 4th District after re-apportionment,” Stewart said Friday while talking to constituents on Court Square. “That means over 60 percent of those voting in the election were not in the district when my opponent was elected two years ago.”The dramatic change which also trimmed the district, formerly with 24 counties now down to 16, also left the district with one major county – Rutherford County – which carries 37 percent of all the voters in the district.The 4th District now stretches north past Smyrna, west near Columbia, south past Fayetteville and east to Cleveland, leaving out the greater Chattanooga area. DesJarlais was elected to office following a landslide in 2010 in the old district, defeating incumbent Democrat Lincoln Davis.Also playing in Stewart’s favor, the candidate believes, are six counties which are in his state Senate district.
Sen. Stewart comes to town