The Warren County School System is still looking for a company to install security access doors for all of the schools in the county. The doors will include a security card entrance system, complete with cameras, to monitor the entrance.County Executive John Pelham announced during a recent Financial Management Committee meeting that only two companies had bid on installing security systems for the schools and both bids came in over the expected budget of $80,000.The engineer for the project, Ken Roberts of Engineering Consultants and Design Inc., met with Director of Schools Bobby Cox to rethink the bid specifications. The item was withdrawn and will be put out for rebidding at a later date.Greater school security became an issue following the Newtown, Conn., tragedy in December in which 26 students and school officials were shot to death.Armed officers in every school and bullet-resistant glass have been discussed by officials, but the installation of cameras and magnetic locks, the School Board believes, is a good first step at securing area schools and keeping students and faculty safe.The new system will require visitors to be buzzed in when they arrive at one of the public entrances.
New school security plans face delays