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Warren County School activities
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September is Attendance Awareness Month. When you miss school, you miss outNO SCHOOL MONDAY, SEPT. 3 LABOR DAYBobby Ray Memorial ElementarySept. 6 -- Grandparents Day Lunch grades Pre-K, K, 3, 4Sept. 7 -- Grandparents Day Lunch grades 1, 2, 5 Dibrell Elementary Sept. 7 -- Grandparents Day LunchEastside Elementary Sept. 5 -- Firetruck visitsept. 7 – Girls basketball tryouts grades 5-8, 3:30 to 5 p.m.Sept. 7 -- Grandparents Day, celebration assembly -- preK/K will perform North AmericaWest Elementary Sept. 7 -- Grandparents Day assembly 8 to 9 a.m. Warren County High SchoolHomecoming Week Activities Sept. 4 -- 1960s daySept. 5 -- 1970s DaySept. 6 -- 1980s DaySept. 7 -- Homecoming parade downtown, 1:30 p.m. Red, white, blue day or homecoming shirt day