Unless otherwise indicated, county meetings are held at Warren County Administrative Offices located at 201 Locust Street and city meetings are held at City Hall located at 101 E. Main Street. Monday, Aug. 15 The county Financial Management Committee will meet at 5:45 p.m. Among items on the agenda: 1) Award bid for Irving College Elementary School security and playground fence; 2) Consolidated county budget for fiscal year 2016-17; 3) Budget amendments and transfers, if any; 4) Surplus property approval and disposal, if any. Warren County Commissioners monthly meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Among items on the agenda: 1) Approval of the public schools budget for 2016-17; 2) Approval of the consolidated county budget for fiscal year 2016-17; 3) A resolution making appropriations to nonprofit charitable organizations; 4) A resolution to authorize the county road superintendent to provide $4,000 in gasoline to Upper Cumberland Area Rural Transit System (UCARTS) for fiscal year 2016-17; 5) A resolution to provide an appropriation of $50,000 to IDB for fiscal year 2016-17.
Upcoming Mettings 8-14